
Title Acquisition of GE Additive Mlab R Date 2023.03.13 16:48
Name admin Count 3033
We set up GE Additive's DMLM equipment Mlab R for various services to our customers.
The Mlab R can be built from both reactive and non- reactive materials and produces fully denseparts with a surface finish unmatched by laser systems. 
The physical separation of t he process chamber and handling station offers the possibility of using a handling station for multiple machines. 
Mlab R now extends its previous material range to include titanium and titanium alloys.

Applicable material
 Stainless Steel 316L / Stainless Steel 17 4PH /Aluminum AlSi10Mg /Titanium Ti6Al4V
ELI Grade 23/ Titanium CPTi Grade 2/Bronze CuSn /remanium star® CL (CoCrW) /rematitan® CL (Ti6Al4VELI) / Silver 930 /Gold, Yellow / Gold, Rose Platinum

Mlab R.jpg

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